Main page where all solution actions take place.
Main class file
// Constructor function which takes in the of the person logged on.
// Show Index
// Description: Shows the Index for the Solutions page by showing
// The dropdown list of questions with solutions and showing the
// form to insert solutions
// Similar to the old index.php
// View solution of a question
// Description: Given an input of the id of the question, this function
// displays the question with which is the followed by the
// Hints/Solutions/Detailed solutions with their corresponding ratings
// and verifications
// Similar to the old demo2.php
enteredFromIndex($QNUMVAL, $HintVAL, $SolutionVAL, $DetailedVAL)
// Parse solutions entered from showIndex()
// Description: Given the question number, the hint, the solution,
// and the detailed solution, this function inserts each of the
// Hint/Solution/Detailed into the database.
// Similar to the old Entered.php
solutionEditor($qNumVAL, $NumVAL, $stypeVAL, $IDVAL, $addVAL)
// Edit menu for a Hint/Solution/Detailed
// Description: Given the question number, the hint/sol/det number,
// the type of solution, the id, and an add variable, this function displays
// an editor for the given Hint/Solution/Detailed.
// NOTE* add variable is not needed if JUST editing a question. It
// is used for adding a solution coming from the viewSolution Page.
// Similar to the old Editor.php
enteredFromEditor($idNumVAL, $qNumVAL, $stypeVAL, $DelVAL, $textVAL)
// Parse solutions edited from solutionEditor()
// Description: Given the id Number (in solutions table), the question number,
// the solution type, a delete variable, and the text, this function parses through
// whatever was edited and then either DELETES, UPDATES, or ADDS the question
// to the database
// Similar to to the old Edited.php
enterRatings($newRatingVAR, $IDVAR, $qNumVAR, $VerVAR)
// Parse ratings coming from viewSolution()
// Description: Given the new rating, the ID of the solution,
// the question number, and a verification variable, this function
// parses the rating and either verifies the solution or inserts/updates
// the rating in the database.
// Similar to the old Rating.php
addHint($QNUMVAL, $HintVAL)
// Add a hint to a question ID
// Description: Given an input of a question_id and the text, this function
// inserts the hint to the database.
addSolution($QNUMVAL, $SolutionVAL)
// Add a solution to a question ID
// Description: Given an input of a question_id and the text, this function
// inserts the solution to the database.
addDetailed($QNUMVAL, $DetailedVAL)
// Add a Detailed Solution to a question ID
// Description: Given an input of a question_id and the text, this function
// inserts the detailed solution to the database.
// Delete a Hint/Solution/Detailed from the database
// Description: Given the id of the hint/sol/det *NOT question_id*,
// this function deletes the hint/sol/det from the database
addGeneralSol($qNum, $stype, $textVAL)
// Adds a Hint/Sol/Det to the database
// Description: Given the question_id, the stype, and the text,
// this function inserts the hint/sol/det into the database.
// *NOTE* stype NEEDS to be either Hint, Sol, or Det. <--Case sensitive
updateSol($qNum, $idNum, $stype, $textVAL)
// Updates a Hint/Sol/Det in the database
// Description: Given the question_id, the id, the stype, and the text,
// this function updates the hint/sol/det in the database at location id.
// *NOTE* id is the ID in the solutions table
// *NOTE* stype NEEDS to be either Hint, Sol, or Det. <--Case sensitive
Helper class for viewing solutions
Helper class for viewing solutions
Main css file used.
Additional css file used.
Additional css file used. Might not be used.
MySQL Table which holds the current solutions to a question.
// Auto-incrementing id
// int() Primary Key
// ID of the question
// int(11)
// Hint/Sol/Det
// varchar(11)
// Text of the Hint/Sol/Det
// varchar(4096)
// Current rating
// float
// Number of ratings
// int(11)
// 0 or 1
// 0 for unverified, 1 for verified
// int(1)
// obtained from the session
// int(11)
MySQL Table which holds the log of the solutions. It can log Adding, Updating, Deleting, Rating.
// Auto-incrementing id
// int(11) Primary Key
// ID of the question
// int(11)
// Hint/Sol/Det
// varchar(11)
// Text of the Hint/Sol/Det
// varchar(4096)
// obtained from the session.
// varchar(11)
// time()
// varchar(30)
// Added, Updated, Deleted, Rated #
// varchar(30)