VIP: Intelligent Tutoring System — Spring 2024

Instructor:    Greg Krudysz
Instructor:Prof. James McClellan

Weekly Meetings: Meetings will take place in Centergy 5234 and members will have the ability to join remotely via Microsoft TEAMS.

For team membership and schedule details see:


We will be using Canvas, GitHub, Piazza, and TEAMS. Login with your GT student ID.

Door Access:

Access to Centergy's 5th floor is restricted. Before our introductory meeting, please wait in the 5th floor lobby, we will also need to scan your buzz-card and setup building access for the duration of the semester.

Weekly Updates:

Weekly progress reports summarizing your work will be submitted via Canvas "Assignments" page.  Each member must turn in their own Updates.


Notebooks are a place to keep a diary of your progress. Notebooks are mandatory and will be collected twice during the semester for grading, approximately during the midterm week, and at the end of the dead week.VIP Notebook


Attendance will be strictly enforced. You are allowed to miss up to 2 class meetings. Each absence should be preceded with an email to instructors and to your project team members.

Credit Designation:


Notebook ( Midterm / Final )  =  50 pts / 50 pts     20 %
Updates ( 1 – 10 )  =  20 pts / Update     40 %
Project  =  150 pts     30 %
Final Presentation  =  50 pts     10 %

Total  =  500 pts     100 %